Poor Nathan got stuck more times today than a pincushion. He is starting kindergarten next year and today he had the infamous kindergarten check-up. He was a little nervous going in and that surprised me because he usually doesn't have a problem with the doctor. About half-way through the appointment he mentioned getting a flu shot a few months ago (that kid is getting a good memory). Now I knew why he was worried. I hadn't
mentioned shots to him at all but he has finally gotten the connection between the doctor's office and those nasty little shots. I felt really bad when at the end of the appointment the doctor left and Nathan felt all relaxed and happy. You see, our doctor doesn't give the shots, his nurse does, after the appointment is all over. So here is Nathan, thinking that he is free and clear while I know that he is about to get the worst set of shots that he is ever going to get. I'm still trying to decide if I should have warned him a little or if that just would have made it worse. In the end he got a TB test, blood drawn, and three shots. The nurse worked quick and Nathan cried hard and loud. At the end I wasn't sure who I felt worse for, him or her. It was her second set of kindergarten shots for the day and she seemed to honestly feel bad for having to do it.
I've talked to that poor nurse before, she says it is the worst part of her job. When it is Joshua's turn, give him Tylenol before you go.
I hear ya. My fault is probably talking too much about it. "Yes, it is going to hurt, but only for a second" Brooke will go through it next year. If any day will put her over the edge, that one will. She will surely ask for a new mom.
If he serves a mission overseas, he may get a whole lot more shots, of course he'll be older and be able to handle them better.
When Rachel took Libby (as a tiny baby) to get her first set of shots, Perry was with her. He was the one who was most traumatized as he saw his baby sister stuck again and again like a pin cushion. He was crying stop by the end. (Libby of course was just crying.)
I took Gavin for his 12 month well check up and I think he may be starting to remember that place. He didn't want to be weighed or measured and he kept clinging to me, then he got three shots. But what can you do, really?
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