Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nathan Rides a Bike

Another one for the "Nathan is growing up list", he can now ride a two wheeler. He also basically taught himself to do it unless some aunt or uncle was helping him behind our backs.

The first video is of Nathan practicing in the backyard. Unfortunalty the space is a little small for him to really get going.

The second is when we walked over to the local school and just let them ride in the open space. He does much better when we doesn't need to worry about running into things. Next on the agenda is to find the bicyle pump so that we can pump up the tires and make it easier for him to ride.


Arnold said...

Maybe that's the secret: have the kids learn on a bike with flat tires! That way the bike doesn't turn as easily or go as fast. I'll be interested to know whether Nathan does better or worse right after you pump up the tires.

Lois Lane said...

I love it when kids learn new things! Hey I got your comment and we used a u hook from Lowe's for our PS and Wii guitars. I found them with the organizational stuff, I think they are actually used for hanging rakes and brooms. Enjoy!