Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Funny Things

Josh's favorite song right now is "Yellow Submarine" by The Beatles. I think that it started with the new "Rock Band: The Beatles edition" video game and now he loves to listen to it when ever he can. He has even had me sing it to him for his night time lullaby (I didn't do a very good job, I couldn't remeber all of the words). The other funny thing with Josh is actually a little gross. In our lovely little house we only have one bathroom and little boys have a hard time remebering to go to the bathroom sooner than they absolutly have to. There has been more than a few times when I have been rushing to get off the toilet because I have a little boy jumping up and down, needing to use the bathroom. Well, Josh now has the habit of just coming in and, if some one else is using the toilet, pulling down his pants and peeing in the tub. He is tall enough that he can do it with out spilling, and since it's just pee, I'm all for it. It is kind of funny though.
Nathan has started school and seems to be doing well. His teacher seems a little kooky but she is very enthusiastic and left handed. Nathan is left handed and for some reason it just makes me feel good that his teacher is too. He recently said that he wants to be a rock star. I think that he has a lovely voice so I think that would be a great thing. He has a great imagination (don't they all at this age) and doesn't like being bossed around by anyone younger than 20. This is usually only a problem with Randy (our 15 year old nephew who is living with us now)but it does sometimes cause a problem at Jessica's house.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lesser of two evils?

Last night we (Richard, Nathan, Joshua, and I) went grocery shopping at Sams Club. Like we usually do, we stopped at the food court there to eat pizza, hotdogs, and soda for dinner. I was getting the food and Richard was keeping an eye on the table and the kids. Josh is very independent these days and insisted on getting his own drink. Richard saw that he was heading for the lemmonaide so he let him. By the time that I got there though, Josh proudly told me that he had filled his cup with the tea. I checked it and it was filled with iced tea. He always tries to get the sweet fruit flavored tea ( I think because of the picture of the strawberry on the label) but I am usually able to talk him out of it. This time I had to take the cup and pour the whole thing out while saying loudly for the benifit of anyone who cared "No baby, you can't drink tea. It's not good for you." I then tried to steer him towards the orange soda or the root beer. But what did he pick? The cherry coke (I think that he has a thing for the fruit). I gave in because I was tired and felt like it would be a long night anyway. And really, since Daddy and Mama occasionaly imbibe the "hard" stuff, I couldn't really say no to it for him. I do wonder if cherry coke is really all that much better than sugared iced tea though.