One of my favorite memories from my childhood is of when I had lost one of my teeth on the same day as my older sister's birthday slumber party. I was probably about 6 so she was some where around 11 years old. Now, I some how got to be part of the party (don't ask me how, I'm sure that most pre-teens wouldn't want their little sisters at their birthday party but I was very grateful) and we had all set up our sleeping bags out side in the playhouse that used to be in the backyard. We were having fun talking and playing around when I decided to check to make sure that my tooth was still under my pillow when I found that the Tooth Fairy had some how already visited. I was so astounded because I was already becoming jaded and had suspected that my mom was really the Tooth Fairy. But my mom hadn't been outside with us and as far as I could remember, no one had been around my pillow. It was proof to me that the Tooth Fairy really existed! Looking back, I realise that Mom must have recruited someone in the party (was it you, Jessica?) to play Tooth Fairy and I just hadn't noticed when the switch was made.
I bring this up because Jessica's daughter, Jillian, is spending the night with us tonight so that she and Nathan could have a sleep over. Jill has been losing teeth right and left and she happened to loose one tonight (I kind of think that she and Nathan must have done something to help it along). So now it is my turn to play Tooth Fairy and I hope Jill is just as excited as I was.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Did you check in to find out how much a tooth gets these days? It seems there are many different amounts out there. That must have been fun!
Jessica said that her kids get $1 per tooth and that if they wish to keep their tooth, they may but they need to write the Tooth Fairy a note asking to do so. By the way, Jill forgot to even look for what the Tooth Fairy left. Richard had to point out the money to her.
That is too funny. We also have written notes to the tooth fairy. Such as, the dentist yanked my tooth and and didn't give it to me, now pay up fairy. Not exactly those words, but you get it.
I think it was me who played tooth fairy at your party. I also played Santa Claus once or twice. I guess once the illusion was gone, the fun was in perpetuating it for younger kids. There's a life lesson there somewhere...
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