We began with a magic show at the local library. It started out kind of small, but by the end it was packed. The magician was really good with kids, in making everything really silly and with keeping them all under control. He had several of the children come up and help with the different tricks and Nathan got to be one of them. Here he and another little girl are tying up the magician. After the show, the library provided drinks, cookies, and little goodie bags.
After the library we ran home and got costumes on to go to our wards Halloween party. It was a more subdued affair than I have seen before, maybe because it was competing with the "big night" itself, but it was still well attended, well executed, and well enjoyed.
If you couldn't tell, Joshua dressed as Woody from Toy Story and Nathan was Wolverine of X-Men.
We did the pumpkins yesterday and Nathan helped out quite a bit this year. He cut most of the hole in the top, scooped some of the insides out, and drew his own design on the pumpkin. Maybe next year I will let him carve more but we will see. I did just about all of the work on Joshua's although he did tell me what he wanted as a design. Nathan's is on the left and is a walrus. Joshua's is of Elmo and I am rather proud of how it turned out if I say so myself.`
Looks like tons of fun.
Grandma L.
Loving the Wolvernie. Mackenzie was Batgirl this year.
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