Do you think that Josh has a future as a Jazz musician? Probably not, but you never know. By the way, did you know that my kids are growing up? I didn't, it surprised the heck out of me. They both seem entirely too tall. Nathan will be starting kindergarten in about two weeks. And Josh seems to be entirely potty trained. Jessica, Richard and I have been working on it for the past year and a half (mostly Jessica, thank you again for that sis) but it still feels like it was all too easy and happened very quickly. Nathan is even showing signs that he may be reading soon. All of it is great, but a little scary too.
On another topic, today I made one of my favorite childhood dinners for dinner tonight (corned beef casserole and cabbage for those that wanted to know). When I finished putting the cubed cheese on top I looked at it and realised what a 50's dinner it was. Half of the ingredients are canned, including the meat, and to quote celebrity chef, Gorden Ramsey, it "looked like a pile of s***t." But it sure was yummy.
I personally love dinners that are based with canned goods. My waistline doesn't . . . my figure is starting to resemble the can. Maybe I should drink Coke out of the bottle more often - it's got a nice shape to it.
Lee likes to make that same dinner and Libby will actually eat it. When the doctor tells you the kids has grown 3 inches in the past year, I always think, "That must have hurt"
By living is easy, do mean clothing is optional (it looks like he is not wearing underwear).
It seems to me like it has been a fast transition for potty training. But I've only home with him on Fridays for the past couple of months, not the one and half years you, Richard and Jessica have been trying.
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