This is a little bit of a misnomer because although this post will be random, cuteness is subjective. I was talking with a co-woker who is on maternity leave right now and she was saying how she can totally understand all of us nuts, uh, parents, who just can't get enough of their kids and want everyone else to know. Also, not all of the stuff that that my kids have been up to lately is all that cute.
For starters, Nathan is getting to be quite a helper. Of course, at five years old he is still not always a help. On Saturday I was needing to catch up on the sleep that I had missed all week. Joshua was down for a nap and I had set Nathan up with a movie. I locked the front door and laid down in the living room so that if Nathan tried to go out the front or if something else happened, I'd be able to wake up. I was doozing when I noticed that Nathan hadn't settled down. He kept walking through the living room to the kitchen and rumaging arround there for something. It's not unusual for the boys to grab a utensil out of the drawer to play with and all of the dangerous stuff it out of the way so I wasn't worried enough to fully wake up. A little while later he goes back to the kitchen and comes back with a large stack of napkins. At this point I'm worrying a little, I mean why should he need napkins in my bedroom, but I just tell myself that it's just some paper and I didn't see him bring any food in there. A little while later he comes back through muttering about how much cleaning there is to do in the house. Silly me I just stayed on the couch. I actually did fall asleep after that until he decided that he wanted to hang our U.S. flag out side and opened up the front door to do so (see, my plan worked). I watched Nathan hang the flag and then realised that I had been laying down too long. If nothing else I needed to wake up Josh so that he wouldn't sleep to long. First thing that I noticed when getting up was that the floor was wet. Not to big of a deal with our wood floors, but definetly unusual. I then start walking back to my bedroom when I notice that there is baby powder on the floor, a lot of baby powder. To make this long story shorter, Nathan had spread about half a large bottle of baby powder all over the master bedroom and had then tried to clean it up with baby wipes, wet napkins, and a duster that he grabbed from the back closet. I appreciated the effort, but it just about took all the energy that I had got from my nap right out of me. I called Richard up a let him know that we were having dinner at a local fast food resurant becuase there was no way that I would be able to make dinner, clean up the mess, and keep the children alive long enough for him to get home from work. Only two of the three would be possible. Also, I figured that the kids needed to get out of the house and expend some energy on the play-place at Carl's Jr.
Joshua is getting more and more talkative. I still only understand about half of what he says but he it getting better at expressing himself and we are getting better at understanding him. He, like most children, has some words and phrases all his own. For example, when he wants to watch the "Alvin and the Chipmunks" video he asks to watch "chicka-bow-wow." This is refering to a line in the movie when Alvin says "bow-chicka-wow-wow" when meeting a cute girl. In fact it is one of Joshua's favorite lines to say whenever. Proabaly because Richard and I get such a kick out of it. It reminds me of when Richard taught our nephew Tim the words to "Brick House."
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Such a great story and no pictures! What a shame. Now you'll have to teach him how to use a vacuum cleaner.
Little feet, oh how sweet. I try to remind myself of that even when their feet get bigger - they are still precious. Why is it they want to do things they can't clean up. I think he was trying to clean, right? Baby powder looks like Comet or Ajax, just trying to be helpful :) I don't know why I never have anything like this happen to me? Yah, right.
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