Our part of California recently had more rain this week than we are used to seeing most of the year. It's been very nice mostly but we did have a casualty, one of our backyard trees. It never had a really good set of roots and all of the water in the ground made it more than unable to stand up. Instead of trying to save it, we decided to just cut it up and let it dry out for firewood.

Between Richard and Randy and a little help from Nathan, Joshua and me, we had it cleared out in no time. We have a dozen or so logs and a pile of kindling that will be all dried out and ready to use by summer

After cleaning up and getting dressed again, Josh curled up to watch "Mr. Rogers." I guess he was a little worn out.
Great to see you this weekend. Your science book from RevaBeth will be in Joshua's preschool bag (thanks to Aunt Staci for getting it to you).
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