Nathan's Kindergarten class had a field trip to a lovely Japanese garden at the local University. It is so local that the kids walked there. It was a long walk but they did walk the whole way. Well, except for Nathan. Josh and I came along and I brought the stroller for Joshua, but of course Nathan rode in it almost as much. Here we are almost mid way to the garden. On the left is the dance complex for the university. It has rather avant gard architecture but it is better now that the paint job has faded. When it was first completed it was rather garish but maybe I don't have good enough taste. You will see it used from time to time as an other world setting on a Power Ranger episode. Seriously.

Here we are with the kids mobbing the docent at the beginning of the tour.

And here is a photo opportunity on the pseudo half moon bridge. It isn't a real half moon bridge (a full half circle aka a higher arch) because of safety and insurance reasons.

The tea house. The kids like the explanation about the door being so small as to prevent a fully armoured samurai from entering it.

Josh observing the fish and probably wanting to join them in the water.

And here is a group picture. This was a silly one that was taken after the "real" one. Nathan's expression is the same in both so I figured that most people would find this one more interesting.
It doesn't look like a very big class (what a nice deal for children). How many children are in his group?
I think about 20 so they might have been missing some kids in that picture.
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