It is a week late but still topical, especially because I still haven't put away the Easter decorations. We started the celebrations a week early with a Easter egg hunt in the front yard. We did it early because Richard's sister's daughter was in town for her spring break yet wouldn't be around on Easter. Tifarrah, R.J., and Katelyn came over in the afternoon. Richard and I had hidden the Easter eggs earlier. R.J. decided that he was too old to look for eggs and stayed inside with Richard to play computer games. Katelyn I think felt too old also but she was very helpful in assisting Joshua look for his eggs.

Nathan and Joshua looking for eggs. Nathan had put a bunch of colored gel in his hair so that is why it looks a little weird.
Katelyn helping Josh.
During the next week we colored a bunch of eggs. Nathan was very careful with the eggs and kept bossing Joshua about the best way to do it. We need to work on that.

Joshua working very hard.

And here are the annual Easter baskets from Grandma Tessie. We usually don't get them much for Easter because Grandma does such a great job. We had a lovely Easter and hope that you all did too.
Looks like fun...Nathan better watch out, I think Josh might be bigger than him in a few short years.
What a great time! And your boys are getting so big. Really, what are ya'll (you & Barb Blackburn) feeding your children out there in LBC? :0)
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