So, if anyone is wondering, I got my pink slip. So I'm fired, but probably not really, because LAUSD needs science teachers too bad to actually get rid of me. There is still the chance that someone from district would push me out (because they need to go back to a classroom and have more seniority than I do) but I doubt that because, while I love my kids and like the school, we are still considered the bottom of the barrel here at Fremont. The LA times may call this area historic, but it is still historic South Central LA.
Steve and I were wondering if you would be impacted by all the teacher layoffs. We watch the KTLA news on our satellite here and saw a few protests. We're thinking positive for you that nobody with seniority tries any funny business.
Sorry to hear that news. doesn't this mean you have no more obligations to them? Hopefully some other districts have spot to fill. thinking of you...
So sorry to hear this! I hope that you are indeed able to keep your job (if that's what you want to do!) If you don't want to continue there, I hope something comes up that will suit you between now and then!!!
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