Yesterday was Richard's 36th birthday and I think that he had a pretty good day. He didn't get much in the way of presents but that was because he bought his present a few weeks ago: a motorcycle and driving lessons. And if your worried about it, he also bought himself a helmet, riding jacket, boots, and gloves. It's all good stuff; the helmet covers the entire head, not just the top. Richard's tennis instructor gave him some pre-riding lessons lessons and they included some cautionary tales that included an examination of one of his helmets that he (the tennis instructor) was wearing during a minor crash. Actually, I don't mind that he wants to ride a motorcycle. It's something that he has wanted to do since as long as I can remember. But now he has a healthy view of his own mortality (birthdays after 35 do that to you) and I think that he looks at how the boys view his riding habits so it all helps keep him honest. I'll get a picture of it all one of these days.
The rest of his birthday celebration included cards from me and the boys, a few small presents and while Tifarrah (Richard's sister) watched the kids, we had dinner at Richard's favorite restaurant and did a little shopping. We ended it with birthday cake back at the house, shared with Tifarrah, R.J. and Cris (Tifarrah's boyfriend).
A word about the cake. I didn't have time to make it and didn't get over to Goldilocks's (Filipino bakery and restaurant) so we just stopped at the local grocery store. I was trying to get Joshua to pick out the cake but he kept focusing on the Dora the Explorer cupcakes. Luckily, Nathan picked out a nice strawberry shortcake cake. Yummy!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Happy Birthday Richard. Wait until you turn 41 or 51 (if it takes a year after a big mark) before you think you're middle aged (old is not until after 80).
I wanna ride too!!! Just don't tell Jon (he handles all the worrying for our family). Seriously though Natalie, how sexy is it to ride with the love of your life down PCH (preferably the part NOT in Long Beach)with the salt air rushing by? Ooooh it gives me goose bumps! What a cool birthday present.
Belated Happy Birthday kuya Richard!
Hope you had a great one =]
Cheers to many more birthdays...great health....endless love from your family and blessings.
Love from:
the Aunts and Uncles, Cousins and of course Nanay
Happy Belated Birthday Richard!
I miss you guys and Love Yeah all,
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