Since I have been off track, Nathan and Joshua have been at home with me instead of with my sister who takes care of them when I'm working. One of the really nice things about Jessica taking care of my kids is that Nathan is really good friends with my niece, Jillian. They have such a good time that even though I have only been home with the boys for a days, Nathan was going through Jillian
withdrawals. So we arranged to have Jillian spend a night this weekend. They had a really good time making messes and playing games.

The pictures of the garage are an example of some of their "artwork" that they had fun doing. They stayed up way too late and work up much to early, but they had a great time. We will have to do it again soon.

The next pictures aren't old even though Nathan is dyeing eggs.

I had bought an egg dyeing kit before Easter but we never had the time to use it. On Sunday when the rest of the family was in various stages of napping, Nathan was
rummaging through
cupboards looking for something to eat/do/play with and he found the egg dyes. I couldn't come up with a really good reason not to use it and it would keep him happy for a good half hour. He had a great time and took tons of pictures of the eggs afterwards. I like it when the kids have fun doing these types of things. I tried to get Nathan excited about helping me make my birthday cake with me but he was only
interested in eating it.
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