The next is, of course, the opening of the Easter baskets. The baskets and the outfits were from Grandma Tessie (Richard's mom) and were greatly appreciated as I probably wouldn't have gotten them much of anything. Also it gives Tessie and excuse to do two of her favorite things; go shopping and spoil her grandchildren. By the way, can anyone think of anything to do with plastic Easter eggs. We have so many and I hate just throwing them away. I don't suppose that they are recyclable?
The last picture is of Nathan using one of the toys from the baskets. He (or Joshie, I don't remember which) got a Thomas the Tank Engine bath set that came with foamy soap and a pretend shaver. Both boys are having a great time with it. Don't you think that Nathan has a nice technique?
Post easter eggs on Craig's List next February. They'll go in a minute. Of course, that means you'll have to hold on to them. Comsumerism has its costs. Maybe give them back to Tessie for next year?
I save the eggs for the next year with my other decorations. I put first initials on them, so the kids find their own eggs when hunting.
Very cute. When you slick their hair like that you can't see any curls and can't tell they are half and half :)
Very nice pics! Looks like a fun day! No idea what to do with the eggs... I was noticing today that Josh is looking so much like a little boy these days! It's amazing how fast they grow!!!
If you spin the eggs on the broad side they will precess up on end like crazy tops. You probably can't do that enough times to make it worth keeping them forever, but it might justify another week of existence.
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