I've been meaning to post something for several days now but with two kids who don't like to go to bed and a job that I usually still feel lost at, most nights I just don't have the energy or the brain cells to do anything. Right now I am working on about 5 hours of sleep after having a busy day at school. At least it was a short day. If you didn't know, I'm a high school biology teacher, but I'm pretty sure that most of you knew that all ready. It is definitely the most conflicting job that I have ever had. I'm exhausted, I'm energized, I'm not too bad, I'm a crap teacher, the kids are great, they are all little #%&*! I'm love being there but I also dream almost daily of the time off. I guess that I shouldn't complain too much; I am officially in my second year of teaching now and I'm not ready to give up yet. It is just hard to be with 140 needy teenagers and then come home to two needy children of my own. But they are cute, my kids and my students.
I think that Nathan and Josh may have finally fallen asleep but I don't dare go check yet. They are getting to be such good brothers to each other. Today they were fighting over a toy, clawing and screeching at each other, and then all of the sudden they started to laugh their heads off. And then they were marching around the house wearing some hats that they had found and playing music on a recorder and drum. Last Sunday they both ended up taking their naps with us. Joshie wouldn't sleep in his bed so after I left him in his room he snuck out and joined Richard in our bed. He went right to sleep. Nathan joined me on the couch where I was reading a book. We cuddled up together with a blanket, he had me read some of my book out loud and fell right to sleep. It has been a long time since he has fallen asleep on me like that.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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